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HMG Voice Over Net (VON)


Teamspeak - Voice Over Net (VON) communication software allows you to verbally communicate with other people over the net.  This comes in quite handy, when we play various multiplayer games (F22 & Battlefield 1942 BF1942) over the net, where typing and/or reading the screen responses - takes too long or is too distracting to game play.  Below, when I refer to “select”, I mean "left click".

  • Download & install the Teamspeak software.

  • Locate and connect to my Teamspeak server: “BF1942 Orion Skye” to communicate.

  • Testing your microphone.

  • Ventrillo:


Download & install the Teamspeak software:

  • Go the website: .

  • Select the “Downloads” link: (on the left of screen).

  • Download the client software, which allow you to communicate with other servers already started (I.E. my Teamspeak server).  You probably want the “Windows” version.  Under “Downloads” / “Windows” / “Teamspeak 2 Win32 Client (RC2)”, select the “Download Now” link to download the client software.

    • The server software allows you to setup your own Teamspeak server on your computer, allowing you to communicate with others (for your own unrelated purposes).

  • Follow the instructions to download and install the software on your computer.


Locate and connect to my Teamspeak server: “BF1942 Orion Skye” to communicate:

  • My Teamspeak server is named: “BF1942 Orion Skye”.

  • After the installation has completed, run the Teamspeak client software.

  • Select the “Connection” drop down menu (top left of screen).

  • Select “Connect”.

  • Select the “Web Server List” tab (top left of screen).

  • Select the “Change Filter” button (down the bottom of screen).

  • Down at the bottom of the screen, under “Server Name Filter”, select the radio button for “Show servers containing” and type in the word “Orion” (Don’t type in the double quotes).

  • If my Teamspeak server is running, select my server, whose name is: “BF1942 Orion Skye”.

    • If you press the “Connect” button now, you will connect to my server with the name of Guest1.  I don’t suggest you do this.  It is more useful, if you connect with the same name that you are using in the game.  So, there a few more steps.

  • Select the “Copy to local Addressbook” button.

  • In the “Nickname” box, type in your game name.

  • Leave all the other fields alone.

  • Select the “Connect” button.

  • That is it.  You should be connected.  You should hear the female computer voice say “Link Engaged”.


Testing your microphone:

  • Select “Settings” drop down menu (top right of screen).

  • Select “Sound Input/Output Setting” button.

  • Under the “Local Test” section (down the bottom of the screen), select the “Activate local test mode” button and speak into your microphone.  When you talk, the green circle should brighten.   You should hear your voice replayed.  You can experiment with the various settings on that screen.  I like using the “Voice Activation” feature, which does not require me to press any keys to talk, while playing the games.

  • When you are done, again press the “Activate local test mode” button to get out of test mode.

  • Select the “Close” button to exit the “Sound Input/Output Setting” window.


The above instructions should get you started.  The Teamspeak manual is pretty good, if you want more information.  It is located under “Help / Read Manual” drop down menu (top right of screen).  The forums are rather informative as well: “Help / Visit Our Forum” drop down menu (top right of screen).


Currently in the BF1942 game, I spend most of my time in the room: “Alfred GG BF1942 Server 1.61” or “Urban”.  Look for the name: "Orion Skye =OS=".


BF1942 Notes:

Buddy List - will make it easier for you locate certain players on the minimap.

  • Easier GUI method:

    • Press and hold the [TAB] key to view the Scoreboard and to list the player that you want to add to your buddy list.

    • Right click on the screen, to gain control of your mouse cursor.

    • Select the player that you want to add to your buddy list.

    • Select the "Add Buddy" button (bottom left of screen).

    • Release the [TAB] key to return to the game.

    • Repeat the procedure to add more buddies to your buddy list.

  • Harder Console Command method:

    • Press and hold the [TAB] key to view the scoreboard and to list the player that you want to add to your buddy list.

    • Under the "#" (last column), note the number associated with the player: <player_number>.

    • Release the [TAB] key to return to the game.

    • Press the "~" to enter the game Console Command.

    • Type in the following command to add the player to your buddy list: "ab <player_number>".
       Ex. "ab 9".

    • Repeat the procedure to add more buddies to your buddy list.

    • Press the "~" to exit the game Console Command to return to the game.

    • Other Commands:

      • Type in the following command to see who is on your buddy list: "game.buddyList".

      • Type in the following command to remove the player from your buddy list:
         "rb <player_number>".  Ex. "rb 9".

      • You can also use the "alias" command to shortcut your other commands. format: alias <alias_name> <command>  Ex. "alias bl game.buddylist".  The next time you type "bl", the buddy list will be displayed.  To get a complete list of aliases for your game, display the file:
        C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Settings\AliasedCommands.con .
        I suggest that you create a backup version of the file, if you decide to modify any of its contents. *smile*

      • Planetbattlefield BF1942 Console Commands.

  • If your buddy is currently on your side, he will show up in a green color on the minimap.  If he is currently an enemy, he will not show up.  Either of you will have to switch sides to see each other in green.  The other blue or red team players will continue to display as usual.

  • The buddy name should be retained by the game server.  The next time you come back to the game server (even after you disconnect from the server and/or game), your buddy will still be on your buddy list.

  • You buddy's chat (in the game) will also change to the green color, making it easier for you to locate.  Of course, we are using Teamspeak to communicate.  However, there might be times, when it easier for someone to type out something.  I.E. the name of a website for you to check out.



We also use Ventrillo VON.  (Ventrillo application downloads & setup instructions)  Contact me for the “BF1942 Orion Skye” server IP Address.


I hope this page helps.  Talk to you on the battlefield.  Good luck.

Orion Skye =OS=,


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This site was last updated 11/05/05