HMG WG Bill Changed By Another


HMG WG Bill Changed By Another
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WG Bill Changed By Another

Question: Can another user incorrectly enter my bill, thus incorrectly change my bill entry (and leave no subsequent entries).

Answer: Yes.

Apparently, some users are incorrectly entering in bills into the Where's George (WG) database.

They are choosing the wrong option on the Error Correction Page (ECP) screen and inadvertently changing the existing bills to a wrong series (or denomination).  Users should take their time when reading the questions and answer appropriately.  (Error Correction Page sample below)

Please use Excelsior (WI)'s BEP Monthly Production Statistics page to verify the release date of the bill's series #.  (Additional informative links: Features of Current Notes and Serial Numbering)

If you think your bill has been changed in error, please feel free to fix the bill yourself, thanks.

Here at WG, we allow you to modify your own bill entries.  If you think this bill has been changed in error and needs to be changed back, you can re-enter the correct bill information on the main entry page (‘Home’ link) and then select the THIRD option on the Error Correction Page.  Please take your time when reading the questions and answer appropriately.

Error Correction Page sample:

The correct bill is a series 2001.  I entered in an incorrect series 2003 to display the Error Correction Page for illustrational purposes only.  I did press any of the “Click Here” buttons to update any Where’s George data.  Again, the following is for illustrational purposes only.   For a detailed description, please go to Error Correction Help Page and click on the 'Help with this page' link.

Error Correction Page:

There is a problem with your entry, but we can fix it if you read the following carefully...

Serial Number: F7822---2D
Denomination: One

It appears that the bill you entered is already in the database with a different Series.

To take proper corrective action, please look at your bill again VERY CLOSELY, and then select the proper statement below!

If the Series on your dollar bill actually is: 2001. . . Please Click Here.
To see the bill report of this existing entry... Click Here

If you just found and are entering a bill marked or stamped with, and you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN the Series on your dollar bill is: 2003. . .Click Here

If you are an existing user who is correcting an existing entry, and you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN the Series on your dollar bill is:2003. . .Click Here

If you are entering this as a new bill (initial entry), and you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN the Series on your dollar bill is: 2003. . .Click Here.

The following is my Contact Us Form standard reply:

Please use Excelsior (WI)'s BEP Monthly Production Statistics page to verify the release date of the series and Excelsior (WI)'s Chronology of Series page to verify signatures to deduce the series #.

1) Please re-send all required bill information: 'Denom/Series/Serial' in their respective fields on the Contact Us form – so that we can recover the full serial number and similar bills entered.  You can submit masked serial numbers with '---'.  We cannot recover the full serial number, when you insert the bill information (and/or the URL) into the 'question' or 'comment box'.  2) Also, please copy, paste, and insert the entire 'bill correction' e-mail in the 'Message Body'.  3) Please include the proper series or denomination you believe to be correct.  4) In the 'Type of Inquiry' drop down box please select 'Bill Correction'.  After we locate the full serial #, we can send it to you (if you don't already have in your system generated bill correction e-mail).  Then you (or we) can change the bill information back, by re-entering the bill with the correct information into the bill entry screen – Where's George Home link (selecting the THIRD option on the Error Correction Page).

Behind the scenes information: (supplemental information)

If you no longer have access to the full serial number, please re-send all required bill information: 'Denom/Series/Serial' in their respective fields, so that we can recover pertinent information.  Built into the Denom/Series/Serial fields, there is intelligence that will unmask the '---' in the serial number (if applicable), thus retrieving full serial numbers for your bill and similar bills entered (bills with the same serial number but different denomination and/or series).  This intelligence does not exist if you insert the bill information (and/or the bill URL) into the 'subject', 'comment box', and/or 'Bill Link URL' fields.  Additionally, if you know the bill URL, please correctly insert the bill URL into the 'Bill Link URL' field, taking care to not duplicate the ''.  After we receive this information from you, we can send you the full serial number.  Please send a separate reply for each bill in question, using the 'response form' link below, which will create a follow-up Contact Us form.


  1. After you change the bill information, the URL may also change.  On the following day, the new URL should be reflected on the YOUR BILLS reports. 

  2. To ensure that all bill statistics are included on YOUR BILLS, please run YOUR BILLS and press the “*** To REFRESH this report, Click Here ***” link - after the Daily Scheduled Database Maintenance (DSDM) reports have completed (update YOUR BILLS between 5:00 AM EST and midnight EST). Once you refresh the YOUR BILLS report, it reflects all bills entered and hits on your account as of the previous day.

If you or another user believes that the bill should be two separate bills, please utilize the Contact Us Form (supplying pertinent information and case # if applicable), and Hank will separate into two unique bills, thanks.


Serial number conflicts: also remember that on new style bills, the serial number will dictate the series. “The recently redesigned Federal Reserve Notes, beginning with Series 1996, have two letters rather than one at the beginning of the serial number. On these notes, the first letter corresponds to the series of the note: Series 1996 notes have serial numbers beginning with A; Series 1999, numbers beginning with B; Series 2001, with C; and Series 2003, with D. The notes of Series 2004, beginning the next redesign, have serial numbers beginning with E.”  Serial Numbering

If the bill is terribly worn and you find it difficult to read the series #, please use one of these sites: MLM's Profile or Excelsior (WI)'s Chronology of Series to verify signatures and deduce the series #.

These are links to previous forum discussion: They are supplied here for reference.  They no longer apply.  If there is any chance that you will get confused, then don't read them. *wink*  link #1 and link #2.

I am glad that Hank implemented the automated 'bill modification e-mail'.  Now these issues have been brought to light and have been addressed.  Allowing users to correctly change their bill information outweighs the fewer times a second user incorrectly changes an existing bills.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Note: Because I was making changes to a previous post on this topic, I decided it was easier to create it's own page.

Please bookmark this post for future reference.  Should someone else inquire in the future, feel free to furnish a link to this page, thanks in advance.

Thank you for patience and understanding.

Thank you.
HMG in MAss

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This site was last updated 10/04/04