HMG WG FOG 50 State Map


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HMG WG FOG 50 State Map


WG FOG 50 State Map Instructions

You probably know all the steps.  However, I have tried to tie them all together in one place.  The State and County Map programs are very similar.  Feel free to substitute the terms 'HITS BY STATE' with 'HITS BY COUNTY'.  These notes are included here to serve as a tutorial for new Georgers, unfamiliar with the process.  The purpose of this page is not to teach HTML.  However, I have included some links to assist you with some basic HTML.  The target audience is for those with basic PC and browser experience.  A good practice is to make a backup of your profile (should you desire to restore and start all over again). *wink*  I truly hope this assists. *smile*


Table of Contents:

  1. Create Your FOG State Map Image:
  2. Move Your Map Information to Your Profile:
  3. When You Get a Hit in a New State:
  4. Images:
  5. Points of Interest:
  6. Previous Image Procedure:
  7. Previous Legend Procedure:


Create Your FOG State Map Image:

  1. Please go to 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY STATE' and press the 'REFRESH' button (at the top of the page) to reflect more current data - up to and including yesterday.  This step is necessary in order to generate desired results.
  2. Please go to 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY STATE MAP'.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Set the 'CUTOFF' and 'STATE COLOR' values (HEX code).
  5. Press the 'GET A HIT MAP' button.


Move Your Map Information to Your Profile:
After the map image and legend have displayed,

  1. Press the browser 'REFRESH' (or position the mouse anywhere in the window except over the map image and 'RIGHT CLICK/REFRESH') to update your map image changes (move data from browser cache to WG Server URL storage location).  (undocumented feature *wink*)
  2. You can manually add the map image and legend to your profile.
  3. The 'Map Image' code is now located in the window below the words: 'HTML code for your Hit Map Image (copy/paste from here):'.
  4. The 'Legend' code is now located in the window below the words: 'HTML CODE FOR YOUR LEGEND (COPY/PASTE FROM HERE:)'.
  5. Or you can press the 'CLICK HERE' button to "TO ADD THIS MAP TO YOUR USER PROFILE:" which will automatically add the map image and legend to your profile.  Each time you press this button, it will create an additional map image and legend.  If you only want 1 map image and legend, you will have to manually edit your profile and remove the duplicate instances of the map images and legends.


When You Get a Hit in a New State:

  1. Go to 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY STATE' and press the 'HITS BY STATE REPORT' 'REFRESH' button (at the top of the page) to update your data - up to and including yesterdayThis step is necessary in order to generate desired results.

  3. Verify or reset your cutoff values and colors.
  4. Press the 'GET A HIT MAP' button (at the bottom of the page) to regenerate the current map image.  If the changes are not reflected in the map image, then press the browser 'REFRESH' (or position the mouse anywhere in the window except over the map image and 'RIGHT CLICK/REFRESH') (this is NOT the 'HITS BY STATE REPORT' 'REFRESH' button) to reflect the changes (move data from browser cache to WG Server URL storage location).
  5. Go to your profile and press the browser 'REFRESH' (or position the mouse anywhere in the window except over the map image and 'RIGHT CLICK/REFRESH') on your profile page (move data from WG Server URL storage location to browser cache).
  6. If you change your map legend, A) you will have to manually edit your profile to supply the new HTML code; or B) Press the 'CLICK HERE' button 'TO ADD THIS MAP TO YOUR USER PROFILE:' and remove the duplicate map images and legend from your profile.
  7. If the image is incorrectly displayed, go back to step 2) and repeat.


Below is an example of my 50 State Hit Map and its corresponding legend.

Hits by State - Map
(Please click on map to view my other maps.)

Number of Hits State Color
No Hits  
Less than 2  
2 to 10  
11 to 50  
51 to 200  
201 or more  

Maps are generated by a program generously provided by Bruce.

The following is the legend data displayed on my map generation page.

New! Hit Maps for "Friends of Where's George?"

Enter Cutoff values and colors for your customized Hit by State map:

Number of Hits State Color (HEX code)
No Hits  
Less than First Cutoff:        
Cutoff #1         
Cutoff #2:        
Cutoff #3:        
Cutoff #4:        
Text Color        
Reset to System Default Colors?

Notice that the cutoff value is actually the 'begin' range value for the corresponding color.


Points of Interest:

  1. The 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY STATE' report no longer automatically updates your data when run.  You must now press the 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY STATE REPORT' 'REFRESH' button (at the top of the page) to reflect more current data - up to and including yesterday.  Hank's Hits by State (HBS) Refresh forum post .
  2. When you generate the map, press the browser 'REFRESH' (or position the mouse anywhere in the window except over the map image and 'RIGHT CLICK/REFRESH') to update your map image changes (move data from browser cache to WG Server URL storage location).
  3. To view the updated map in your profile, press the browser 'REFRESH' (or position the mouse anywhere in the window except over the map image and 'RIGHT CLICK/REFRESH') on your profile page (move data from WG Server URL storage location to browser cache).  Note: there are various refreshes: A) 'YOUR BILLS' 'REFRESH' button, B) 'YOUR BILLS' browser REFRESH, C) 'HITS BY STATE REPORT' 'REFRESH' button, D) 'HITS BY STATE REPORT' browser REFRESH, and E) Profile browser REFRESH.
  4. If you include the 'NUMBER OF HITS/STATE COLOR' legend in your profile, and you change the values/colors, remember to reflect the new values/colors in your profile legend too.
  5. Notice that the cutoff value is actually the 'BEGIN' range value.  I would suggest the following: A) Only supply the BEGIN (low) range of cutoff values (do not enter both the BEGIN and END range cutoff values).  B) Do not overlap values (or leave gaps) within cutoff ranges.  In your finished table, the only number that should be displayed twice is the 'LESS THAN X' value [in range 2] and the BEGIN (low) value [in range 3].  In my example x = 2.  C) List the cutoff values in ascending order.
  6. When you want to start all over with your colors, select the "RESET TO SYSTEM DEFAULT COLORS?" option and press the 'GET A HIT MAP' button.
  7. The 'YOUR BILLS' report is independent of the 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY STATE' report, and refreshing one will NOT affect the other.  Hank's Your Bills (YB) / Hits by State (HBS) & Hits by County (HBC) Refresh forum post  However, if you want to keep the data in sync, then refresh the 'YOUR BILLS' report when you refresh the 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY STATE' report.  The 'YOUR BILLS' report no longer automatically updates your data when run.  You must now press the 'YOUR BILLS' 'REFRESH' button (at the top of the page) to reflect more current data - up to and including yesterday. 
  8. If you are a new Friends of George (FOG) member (and you already refreshed YOUR BILLS before you received FOG credit today) and the YOUR BILLS map options are NOT visible, please wait until tomorrow.  Then run 'YOUR BILLS' and press the 'REFRESH' button; the map options should be visible.
  9. If you merely see a red 'x' where the map should be, then run 'YOUR BILLS' and press the 'REFRESH' button - Hank's red 'x' forum post.  Then re-run 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY STATE MAP'.
  10. For additional information, please visit 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY STATE MAP' and click on the 'Help with this page' link (and/or 'YOUR BILLS/HITS BY COUNTY MAP/Help with this page').
  11. I use the following HTML color charts: Complete HTML True Color Chart and Color8 Color Picker.  You can search the net to locate other HTML color charts.
  12. I would have posted a follow-up to the original post; however that forum is now closed for additions.  Links to additional conversations concerning 50 state map, FOG 50 State Hit Map Help Needed by Ronald, Run Hits by State and refresh first by Dave From Central MAss, and Cutoff Numbers by JT from MD.  County Maps Links: Black Map by Hank.  Feel free to utilize the forum Google Search engine to locate previous discussions.

  13. HMG's Other Maps; WG TIGER Map Instructions; County Map posts (with additional resources) & County Map Page by Xinegirl; County Map Maker & Zip Code Map Maker by Frank; and Zip Code Map posts by Seanivs.
  14. If you still need assistance, please post a question in the New User and Q+A Forum; helpful Georgers will assist. *smile*
  15. Feel free to add this page to your favorites / bookmarks for future reference (to assist others). *smile*


Previous Image Procedure:

This was required before Hank supplied the HTML code for us on 12/23/03 (WG version 2.0) (Thanks again, Hank).  This is no longer necessary.  It is supplied for reference purposes only.

  1. Right click on the actual 'MAP IMAGE' (not just anywhere in the window) and select 'Properties'.
  2. Select 'Address URL' (makes sure you move down and select the entire URL, even the portion that is not initially displayed in the URL window).
  3. Copy and paste the URL into your profile.

This is the URL of my 'Hits by State - Map':

In order to correctly display the map in your profile, you will need to add the HTML 'img src=[image_URL]' tag (note the space between 'img' and 'src' - replace [image_URL] with your actual map image URL).

This is the HTML code that I have inserted in my profile:
<img src=>

  1. Notice that the URL begins with '' , there is a string of system generated numbers and characters, and the word 'png?'.  I am not to familiar with the 'png' format.  Apparently, anything after the 'png?' is optional.
  2. The above examples are for reference purposes only.  You should insert the string of numbers that is associated with your map image.
  3. Important note: Do NOT use the link: (that may resides in the browser address box, if you previously opened in new window).  This URL may corrupt the map image at the WG Server URL storage location and cause your map image to disappear.
  4. If you correctly add the map image HTML code, you should not have to copy and paste it again into your profile (but merely regenerate your map – detailed below).

Here is a helpful link: 'Tools/Fun/Directory of Where's George? related pages/Profile Ideas/Help and Other WG Silliness by WerImmer, John E., Mike R., and Slowpoke/Making a cool profile' and HTML Help (with links) post.  If you feel adventurous and confident, feel free to explore the HTML source code on the page: 'Right click / View Source'.


Previous Legend Procedure:
This was required before Hank supplied the HTML code for us on 01/20/03 (Thanks again, Hank).  This is no longer necessary.  It is supplied for reference purposes only.

With your legend displayed on your screen...

  1. In your browser menu dropdown list, choose 'View/Source'.

  2. Search for the legend code: 'Number of Hits'.

  3. Select the legend table HTML code, copy, and paste it into your profile.

My map image may have changed since I created this page; so the cutoff values and colors may be different now.  I do not plan to update the following text, should my map change in the future.  It is located here for reference purposes only.  Your color and cutoff values may differ as well.  I copied and pasted the following HTML code into my profile.

<table border=1 class=body>
<tr align=center>
<td>Number of Hits</td><td>State Color<br></td>
<tr align=center>
<td>No Hits</td><td bgcolor=#D0D0D0> </td>
<tr align=center>
<td>Less than 2</td><td bgcolor=#FFCCFF> </td>
<tr align=center>
<td>2 to 10</td><td bgcolor=#FF66FF> </td>
<tr align=center>
<td>11 to 50</td><td bgcolor=#FF0099> </td>
<tr align=center>
<td>51 to 200</td><td bgcolor=#CC00FF> </td>
<tr align=center>
<td>201 or more</td><td bgcolor=#660099> </td>

<p align="center">Maps are generated by a program generously
provided by <a href="" target="_blank">


I am using MS Internet Explorer version 6.0.  If you are using another browser (or another hardware platform i.e. MAC), please review its 'help' pages for similar commands.  MACs - It has been reported that: you just hold down the mouse to get the popup mouse menu; or on newer operating systems (8.5 & up) you press the control key while clicking on the mouse.  I usually open links into new windows and refresh the entire page vs. manipulating panes.  If you have not opened a new window and are working in the frames, please position the mouse anywhere in the window except over the map image and 'right click/refresh' on the desired frame that contains the map image.  Please review the browser 'help' pages for 'right click' and 'menu dropdown' shortcuts (popup mouse menu), frame manipulation, and other browser mechanics.  The notation 'right click/refresh' is shorthand for ‘right click’, then ‘left click’ to select the ‘refresh’ command from the menu dropdown window.  If you use Netscape, substitute the term 'right click/refresh' with 'right click/reload'.  Thanks.

In closing, I would like to personally thank JT from MD (for his assistance and encouragement in my updating this page); Dena, Georgette, Jennene, and Ronald (for presenting their interesting problems, whose solutions are now incorporated on this page); the individuals (too numerous to research and list) who have assisted with their follow-up forum contributions and e-mails; (and finally) thank you to everyone who links (posts) this page when those questions are asked (again) on the forums.  Thank you all. *smile*

Good Luck & Happy Georgering!
HMG in MAss,

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